Vicuna Town Observatory
Vicuna Town Observatory

[Chile] I wanted to take my telescope and see the Southern Hemisphere night skies. Fabulous objects are there that can never be seen from Seattle. The Magellanic clouds, 47 Tucanae, Eta Carinae…… The Internet has a ton about the Southern astronomical observatories, and within this mess of information I stumbled upon references to the little […]

Tongoy’s little Hotel Amaru
Tongoy's little Hotel Amaru

[Chile] Looking across a muddy field, I saw a beat-up stone fence with a sign on it. I walked up, went through an entrance, and found a small paradise – three little bungalows set within manicured lawns and waterfront. The proprietor, Carlos, was fulfilling his lifelong dream of creating a tiny resort entirely devoted to […]

The pleasures of a place no one else is looking at
The pleasures of a place no one else is looking at

I rented a beat up Corolla at the Santiago airport and drove way up the coast. I had heard about a little town called Tongay. It took me a couple long days of driving and when I got there, I saw that both “hotels” were pretty marginal. The whole place seemed deserted. However, when I think back to a lifetime of places, a small number stand above the rest. This was one.

Nobody anywhere in the world was caring much about this Tongoy place but me, and I loved it. Something is always subtracted when everyone is pointing and looking in the same direction.